50 Fantastisk kæledyr Pets GoodBoy Bark Collar review and discount coupon Code

GoodBoy Bark Collar review and discount coupon Code

This GoodBoy bark collar review is developed to help you decide if an anti-bark collar is best for your dog.

Bark collars are not for all dogs, and that is OK. We are lucky to have so numerous training options. That Mutt is a blog for honest, respectful discussion.

This post is sponsored by GoodBoy. use code Mutt15 for 15% off all products from GoodBoy. shop here.

We also have a giveaway going on. Leave a comment at the end of this post for your chance to win a totally free bark collar. Klik her.

Nuisance barking is probably the #1 grievance people have about dogs!

Barking is a real problem for some families, causing tension between spouses or roommates, problems with neighbors, issues with landlords or even police.

In our case, I was considering a bark control collar for my weimaraner for a particular issue: protest barking in his kennel. nothing serious, but the barking causes my spouse and I some stress.

I say “protest barking” because my canine is kennel trained but there are particular instances where he will bark in his kennel:

When we have a guest staying with us. He’ll typically bark if we try to kennel him while someone “exciting” is visiting. He doesn’t want to miss out!
If I kennel him while we are eating a meal in some cases he will bark.
On occasion he will still bark in his kennel early in the morning to get up and eat. For the most part we’ve trained our canine to sleep in but it can still be a problem.

While I used our bark collar to stop my canine from barking in his kennel, I would typically not recommend a bark collar for:

a canine that is scared of being in his kennel/crate
a canine that is still learning to be in a crate
dogs with separation anxiety

For those issues, see my messages on separation anxiety or kennel training.

GoodBoy bark collar review

I tried GoodBoy’s small bark collar for my weimaraner Remy. This collar is developed for “small and medium” dogs and will fit up to about a 19” neck.

Keep in mind you want a collar like this to be tight and high on the neck so it can be a little smaller than your dog’s regular collar.

Order a bark collar here

My canine Remy is about 60 pounds with an 18” neck so the collar fits him. It’s a little small for my lab mix Ace, but he was still able to wear this bark collar for “modeling” purposes.

The collar comes in black, blue or pink.

GoodBoy’s small bark collar uses tones and vibration only. No static “pings” like other brands I’ve used.

I can’t tension enough how humane this collar is. You do not need to worry whatsoever about it hurting your dog. The vibration from this collar is very gentle, similar to my phone vibrating.

If your canine needs a stronger correction, GoodBoy also makes collars that give a static “ping” correction.

My overall impression of the small bark collar is that it’s an economical option ($28.99) for smaller and medium dogs. It won’t be as accurate or resilient as a much more expensive collar, but it will work just fine for a lot of dogs.

The re-chargeable battery on this collar lasts a long time (weeks, generally). It also comes with a USB cable, so all you have to do is plug it in to re-charge the battery.

How the GoodBoy bark collar works

The collar is developed to be triggered by your dog’s vocal chords when he barks. Ideally, the collar will not set off to other noises or other dogs barking.

The small bark collar starts with a cautioning tone when the canine barks. This is a beep sound that gets the dog’s attention and is implied to interrupt the barking.

If the canine barks again, the collar gives a second, longer tone. If the canine barks after that, the collar gives a vibration.

In total, the collar can potentially give up to 7 corrections before going into a sleep mode, but my canine has always stopped barking after the first tone!

The company’s tutorial videos are valuable and discuss all of this well.

I try to pair the beep tone with “no” and then reward my canine for being quiet. GoodBoy recommends this so the canine learns to associate the tone with “no” even if you are not there.

The tone/beep has always been enough to interrupt Remy’s barking, which is great!

I evaluated the vibration of the collar on my own wrist and it is gentle. I wear a Garmin GPS view that vibrates my wrist to tell me to “move!” if I’ve been sitting too long. The vibration of this bark collar is similar to that. It does not give any static “ping” corrections.

GoodBoy discount coupon code and ordering info

The small bark collar is very affordable. just $28.99. It’s avaiLable på virksomhedens websted.

Brug Goodboy -rabatkuponkoden Mutt15 for 15% offorder her

Mere info om at bruge Goodboy Bark Collar

Jeg anbefaler, at du tester barkkraven, før du lægger den på din hund. Gør dette uden din hund i rummet, især hvis han er nervøs for bip.

Du burde også teste bip/tone med din hund i rummet for at sikre, at han ikke er alt for følsom over for lyden. Du vil have det til at skræmme ham og afbryde hans bjælke, men ikke skræmme ham.

Følg derefter instruktionerne og indstil kraven til det bedste følsomhedsniveau for din hund.

Jeg har kraven indstillet på standardniveau 4, og du kan justere den op eller ned, så den udløser korrekt til din hunds bark. Jeg er forbløffet over, at kraven ikke tager af sted for Remys klynk, men kun til hans bjælke.

Et problem, vi havde, er, at kraven udløst, da Remy rystede på hovedet og ørerne rundt. Han er høj og modbydelig, når han gør dette!

Den bedste service var at fjerne Remys daglige krave. På den måde kan lyden af ​​de to kraver, der støder sammen, ikke sætte bip. Da jeg kun planlægger at bruge Bark Collar, mens Remy er i sin kennel, har dette fungeret godt.

En anden mulighed ville være at sænke kravens følsomhedsniveau fra en 4 til en 3, så det er mindre sandsynligt, at det udløses af disse typer lyde.

Bestil en krave her brug kode Mutt15 for 15% rabat

Fordele ved Goodboy lille bark krave

Overkommelig på kun $ 28,99
Human og vil ikke skade din hund
Enkel at bruge og kommer med instruktionsvejledning
Skal passe til mange hunde med nakkestørrelse 5 ″ til 19 ″
Bruger toner og vibrationer (ingen statisk korrektion)
Justerbare følsomhedsniveauer
Ingen “spidser”
Genopladeligt batteri og USB -kabel -tv (bare tilslut det)
Vandtæt ifølge Goodboy
“Ingen spørgsmål stillet” returpolitik i 30 dage

Denne krave er en god mulighed for dig, hvis du har en lille eller medium hunde med et bjælkende problem, og du vil prøve en økonomisk barkkontrol krave. Køb her.

Ulemper ved kraven

Ikke utroligt elastisk (jeg anbefaler at fjerne det under leg eller sport)
Kraven kan udløses af andre lyde, hvis følsomhedsniveauet ikke indstilles korrekt
Denne krave fungerer godt til prisen, men jeg ville ikke forvente, at den ville sidste år

Goodboys lille barkkrave er måske ikke det bedste valg for dig, hvis du håndterer flere bjælkende hunde, eller hvis din hunde laver masser af andre lyde, der kan modregne kraven. If you need to make certain the collar corrects at the best time, I recommend GoodBoy’s collar that comes with a remote.

Er en bark krave bedst til din hund?

Jeg vil overveje en bark krave til din hund, hvis din hunds bjælke forårsager dig spænding, eller hvis du har brug for at få kontrol over problemet af en eller anden grund.

Selvfølgelig burde du kun bruge en barkkrave, hvis du har det godt med at korrigere din hund med en tone eller vibration. Jeg kan ikke spænding nok, hvor human denne særlige krave er. Vibrationstilstand svarer til min telefon eller GPS -visning vibrerer.

På den anden side, hvis din hunde bjælker på grund af frygt, separationsangst eller ekstrem stress, vil jeg ikke anbefale en Goodboy -bark krave. Der er dog undtagelser fra alt, så tøv ikke med at forlade spørgsmål i kommentarerne eller tale med en træner i dit område.

Vi er heldige, at vi har så mange træningsmuligheder og ressourcer til, hvordan man korrekt bruger dem. Jeg har jagtacer, så jeg har altid været omkring e-kraver og får se, hvordan de forbedrer livene og friheden for så mange hunde.

Gennemse Goodboy’s Bark Collars her.

Give væk! Vind en helt gratis bark krave til din hunde fra Goodboy

Goodboy giver væk en helt gratis bark krave til to vindere!

For at komme ind, skal du bare efterlade en kommentar nedenfor, så jeg ved, at din hunde ønsker på tegningen. let me know about your dog’s barking issue.

I’ll choose two winners at random on Tuesday Jan. 23 and notify the winners by email and post them here. should have a U.S. mailing address to win.

The two winners will each get to choose any collar from GoodBoy’s website.

Would you be interested in a bark collar from GoodBoy?

Let me know in the comments!

Please share this GoodBoy bark collar review with anybody whose canine could benefit from a bark collar.


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