My dogs Ace and Remy were super excited they got to try the organic bone broth for dogs from the ...
Truly Pawsome subscription Box review and coupon CodeTruly Pawsome subscription Box review and coupon Code
What is truly Pawsome? Truly Pawsome is a monthly subscription box for dogs containing 4 to 5 high-quality toys, treats ...
Valg af en hund – hvilken hund er det rigtige for dig?Valg af en hund – hvilken hund er det rigtige for dig?
Når du vælger en hund, skal du prøve ikke at fokusere på race eller udseende. Tænk i stedet på din ...
Ever desire people would provide your reactive canine area on walks?Ever desire people would provide your reactive canine area on walks?
My personal guideline is to leave lots of area between the canine I’m walking as well as any type of ...
How much money should I spend on my dog’s vet care?How much money should I spend on my dog’s vet care?
Note: some of my friends, family members, readers and customers have recently lost a pet. This post is dedicated to ...
Puppies as Christmas presentsPuppies as Christmas presents
thank you to Erin Shanendoah from the dog blog Life By Pets for sharing her thoughts on puppies as Christmas presents. It’s the ...
Start det nye år med Canine Agility! (10 billeder)Start det nye år med Canine Agility! (10 billeder)
Er der nogen agili-hunde blandt os? Min Lab Mix Ace elsker absolut agility. Han går lidt nødder! Du kan se ...
Kom med os for #ActivemItts uge 5Kom med os for #ActivemItts uge 5
#Avtivemitts er en sjov “udfordring”, hvor læsere opfordres til at komme ud og om med deres hunde. Deltag i ved ...
Hvordan man instruerer din hund til at være tålmodigHvordan man instruerer din hund til at være tålmodig
hver dag, jeg er så taknemmelig for, at jeg har en patient (nogle måske siger doven) hund. Mens Baxter ser ...
These dogs (and a pony) like the snow!These dogs (and a pony) like the snow!
I pledge sometime soon I’ll function some dogs on a sunny beach, however for now let’s deal with the truth ...